Dude!! Im sorry
I think its a sweet beat man, i nly voted 0 on it cause i was seeing if the changed the words, and my finger twiched, sorry it would'a been 5/5
Dude!! Im sorry
I think its a sweet beat man, i nly voted 0 on it cause i was seeing if the changed the words, and my finger twiched, sorry it would'a been 5/5
Haha!! thats kool
I like it its pretty sweet, kinda reminds me of "Instatutionalized" by "Suicidle tendacies" sweet sound dudde
Yeah, I like Guitar Hero II to.
even better when its longer.....
first to the guy below me my vote just put above 4 when I voted it became 4.03, so be happy!! now to say holy balls man this song is incredible it is deserving of one of my inventive words of apritaion like: spec-fuck'n-tacular-if-ic(specfucknta culerific)this one is definetly goin on my PSP. great work on the song.^-^
Thanks man lol
though I didn't really get how to pronounce the specfuckintacularific thing eheh
this song, reflects the darkness in my heart, you couldent make a more perfect song, in my eyes.this is so going on my PSP. --gotta love it, --SILENTnightZFX--
If you loved this that much, check out the full version, longer, better and more melodic =)
Thanks for the review and th appreciation!
don't worry......
don't worry pal, I like it, it's goin on ma faiv's. ^o^
wow, i've gotta say it, I thought the "epic song" my friend found on lime wire epic.
not compared to this. --never to whither as sly tounges slither-- </-SILENTnight-\>
I love this remix, it sounds so much better this way(obvieusly) it definatly runs together better.(and to CleverMaim: dude I've beatin that game on hard and unlocked the omega biometal without A.R. codes. ^-^)
thanks man!
I love that level, I know you've never played MMZX but this is definetly my faivrit level. nice remix. ;) ^-^ ^o^
there should be a 6 vote thing 4....
this is da pimp shit!, like always Zero-R you deliver the sound that every 1 can like
thanks man I appreciate it :]
hard mello, sounds good creater guy
life is a mind bending road of intracitly weaved events strung togeather through the ballace of light and dark, Its ment to be a time for gathering essential knowlage needed to progress to you true spirtual calling.
Age 31, Male
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Joined on 4/25/08