She said: "I cry my silent tears for you my love..." and those word ment alot to me, so this came to me,
-- "She crys her silent tears for me,
To far for me to hear or see,
I Know its true that she fears for me,
For she crys her silent tears for me,
She says she never crys,
as shimmering tears run from her beautiful eyes,
I love her unconvetionaly, irifutably and irrevocably,
and by the power vested in me, I will love her for eternity,
she thinks she is terrible, horrible and unloving,
although she is beautiful, loving and sounds like a dove singing,
although she crys many silent tears,
I hope to banish all of her fears,
for she crys her silent tears for me,
here, now and lovingly,
now and for eternity,
Loving, caring, beautiful and shering,
I will always love her with out tearing,
She crys her silent tears for me,
To far for me to hear or see,
I Know its true that she fears for me,
For she crys her silent tears for me,
She says that she never crys,
while glisteing tears pour from her shimmiring eyes,
and my love for her will never die........"
I've felt true beauty....
AWE!!!!! lol i love that poem
SILENTnightZFX (Updated )
well, thank you dark. ^-^ it is for you